Service and Sales Excellence Awards

The Service Excellence Award and Sales Excellence Award are designed for your contact centre to objectively measure the quality of conversations through the analysis of micro-behaviours (that are or aren’t there).

This analysis is undertaken through the provision of ten (10) scrubbed calls from ten (10) unique team members. The process is an analysis of calls only and will be awarded nationally.

Any organisation that is nominated in an organisation category may opt in for the Service Excellence Award or the Sales Excellence Award at no additional cost ($0). This will be indicated in the nomination form for the organisation category nomination. Please email [email protected] if you encounter any issues or would like to opt-in after completing an organisation category nomination.

Why participate?

Being part of the GRIST Service Excellence Award and/or the Sales Excellence Award will give you:

  • A unique and objective measure of what’s happening during customer conversations at a micro-behavioural level
  • An analysis of how your customer conversations compare to others in the service and/or sales industry
  • Recommendations on the specific micro-behaviours that you could implement immediately to drive the KPIs that are most important to you

Call submission deadline

Submit your nomination(s) when completing an organisation category nomination on the Auscontact website ($0) or nominate for either the Service Excellence Award or Sales Excellence Award ($499 + GST for Members).

Once you nominate, you’ll receive an email with instructions on how to upload/submit your calls to GRIST which must be submitted by Friday 26 July 2024.

There are a few options for uploading or submitting: GRIST’s secure online portal, file transfer software or even email where applicable; GRIST will also provide support to ensure they receive your calls.

What calls do we submit?

The calls must be from the following dates and time and, from a range of consultants (10 in total). For the purpose of this assessment please ensure that the calls you submit are under 15 minutes and are a complete conversation (include greeting and farewell).

Wed 5 June 2024 09:55 Mon 25 March 2024 15:24
Tue 21 May 2024 11:26
Fri 7 June 2024 14:51
Mon 15 January 2024 09:17 Fri 23 February 2024 12:28
Mon 17 June 2024 14:41 Thu 2 May 2024 13:22
Mon 29 April 2024 10:22 Thu 15 February 2024 09:18


If you have difficulty sourcing conversations from these times due to call volume, please submit the call received one-two minutes prior or after the times listed.

What about customer data?

All customer data must be scrubbed from your calls before submitting to GRIST. Any calls received with this data still intact will be instantly deleted and won’t be eligible to be assessed. You’ll receive instructions on how to scrub customer data with your submission instructions.

What happens after I’ve submitted my calls?

GRIST analysts assess your calls using our best practice micro-behavioural benchmark. Our analysts are real people (all based in Australia) who can accurately assess the critical micro-behaviours displayed that make a difference to your customer’s experience.

What happens to the calls once they’ve been assessed?

Once your calls have been assessed, they are deleted.

I’ve got more questions; who do I speak to?

You can contact the Auscontact National Office team: [email protected] or Caitlin from GRIST: [email protected]